In the AFMRT lab we have a mixture of conventional, off-the-shelf instruments, with our custom-made AFMs:
PicoSPMLE Molecular Imaging System
Maximum Scanner Displacements: 80 x 80 x 10 µm.
Conventional AFM capable of performing all the main instrument tasks, including molecular resolution imaging (dynamic and contact modes), force spectroscopy and MFM, among others.
Conventional AFM retrofitted with FFM capabilities
Maximum Scanner Displacements: 5 x 5 x 2 µm.
Conventional AFM that was retrofitted with FFM capabilities.
Custom-made optical-fiber based FFM (Viriato)
Maximum Scanner Displacements: 30 x 30 x 16 µm.
FFM that was designed to study soft systems, including biological matter.
Low cost custom-made AFM
Maximum Scanner Displacements: 30 x 30 x 10 µm.
Custom-made AFM developed in the lab.