Diana Monteiro (2021-2022)
Master StudentDevelopment of a high resolution position sensor for atomic force microscopy.
Miguel Vitorino (2015-2020)
Post-grad researche & PhD StudentDesign and conception of a force feedback methodology.
Pedro Alves (2018-2019)
Post-grad researcherDevelopment of software routines to analyze force spectroscopy curves
Arthur Vieira (2016-2018)
Post-grad researcher & Master StudentDesign and conception of an atomic force microscope.
Ricardo Ferreira (2018)
Post-grad researcherMeasurement of the interaction between specific proteins using atomic force microscopy
Paulo Neves (2017)
Master StudentBuilding a Low-cost AFM with a Quartz Sensor and its Advantages.
Carolina Marques (2017)
Post-grad researcherMeasurement of mechanical properties of different biological systems and development of software for the treatment of force-distance experiments.
Carlos Marcuello (2016-2017)
Post-doc researcherStudy of the influence of metal ions, small molecules and proteins on the formation of misfolded proteins, aggregates and amyloids by atomic force microscopy.
André Viana (2015)
InternshipStudy of multiferroic materials using atomic force microscopy
Ana Garção (2014)
Investigation ScholarshipStudy of protein-DNA binding interactions
Nuno Vieira (2014)
Investigation ScholarshipDevelopment of instrumentation for force feedback microscopes
Simon Carpentier (2013)
InternshipStudy of capillary bridges using force feedback microscopy
Miguel Vitorino (2013-2014)
Investigation Scholarship & Master studentAdaptation of an atomic force microscope to the force feedback methodology